Assalamualaikum again..
this week is the best week of my life. cause i'm home with my family.
so today i'd like to shere what value have i actually learned this week.
to know lets go through some situations first....
situation 1:
"abang, siti tak fahamla apa masalah anak kita ni. kenapa attitude dia macam ni, dia dah seventeen, kenapa dia tak nak berubah?kenapa dia still dengan perangai panas baran dia?siti ni ibu dia, kenapa dia tak faham siti?bila siti tegur or marah dia, dia mula menjawab. geram siti! dia tak faham ke, siti cuma nak yang terbaik untuk dia, siti sayang dia bang" keluh siti kepada suaminya.
"sabar ye sayang, nanti insyaAllah dia berubah. dia belum matang lagi tu" pujuk suamiunya.
situation 2:
"aku tak boleh bleh ar ngan mak aku bro!aku nak pergi mana semua dia tanya, aku buat ni dia berleter aku tak buat tu dia berleter. dia macam nak semua perfect. aku taula aku ni pemalas, tapi aku pon manusia, agak-agakla kalau nak control aku sangat pon. dia tak nampak ke aku cuba berubah sikit-sikit?" cerita Amir pada rakannya.
"biasala bro, mak-mak memang macam tu. kita buat pekak sudah" jawab lutfi pula.
situation 3:
"OMG lina, look at your outfit, the colours are like, eww",said lisa.
'argh, apa masalah lisa ni, suka hati akula aku nak pakai camna pon' marah lina dalam hati
"coolla wey, biasala thats the way i dress up kay" answered lina yg sedikit terguris
*then its like the awkward moment between the 2 of them.
" kita tak boleh la awak, kita tak paham kenapa dia penakut sangat, semua nak teman, ni nak teman, tu nak teman, dia tu tak percaya kat Allah ke?" kata alya.
"haih alya tak baik cakap camtu, tu kelemahan dia, mungkin dia ada kekuatan kat tempat lain" kata aisyah.
"sorila, kami tak boleh terima orang macam tu, sikit-sikit nak minta tolong orang, tak independent langsung.."
"eee, annoyingla perangai dia tu, suka waste time, orang mai Universiti untuk study, ni dia tengok movie plak.."
"meluat betul dengan dia tu, dia sendiri ada boyfriend, pakai baju ketat, pastu nak tegur2 org plak.."
and many many more, if i wrote it all i won't be able to deliver my actual meseg.
so during my days in the university i saw all these situations happening around me *there were some which i exagerated. hehe
anyway, my point is, i think a lot about the problems occuring around us, i wonder isn't there any solution?is there any way to throw away these hatred from our inner self. so i can't wait for the holidays so that i can consult with my dad, ask him for some advice. but unfortunately when i'm back my dad's not home, he've got some work to settle overseas.
so while waiting for him, i start thinking, what should i do, i want to think positively always but its to hard!
then one day i saw this quranic verse which really made me happy.
Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work righteousness for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward. (surah hud, verse 11)
Kecuali orang-orang yang sabar dan mengerjakan amal salih, maka mereka itu akan beroleh keampunan dan pahala yang besar. (surah hud, ayat 11)
thats it, the key is Sabar(patients). all i have to think is in order to get Allah's love and forgiveness and in order to get a lot of reward from Allah. All i need to do is be patient and do good deeds.
Then after one week, my dad came back. so today morning i went to eat breakfast with him. then i told him my problem. i told him the problem facing most people in the society these days.
he starts answering by telling me one stroy that happened back then...
"okay fauhatuz, kisah ni berlaku masa zaman nabi isa dulu" my dad starts.
"satu hari, masa nabi isa sedang berjalan dengan sahabat-sahabat beliau, tiba-tiba beliau jumpa seekor anjing mati di tepi jalan, kemudian nabi isa pun berhenti dan melihat anjing tu."
"tapi sahabat-sahabat nabi isa ni mula rasa pelik dan jijik melihat anjing tu, mereka mengeluh, eee, kenapala anjing ni mati kat sini, memalukan betul, dahla busuk"sahabat-sahabat saling mengeluh.
"kemudian, tiba-tiba nabi isa bersuara sambil tersenyum. 'CANTIKKAN GIGI ANJING NI?',"so my dad pun stop kat situ.
then my dad sambung lagi "okay fauhatuz, apa value yang kamu nampak melalui cerita tadi?"
"walaupun bertapa tak perfectnya sesuatu benda tu kita kena cuba cari sesuatu yang valuable dan positive yang ada pada benda tu." i answered.
"so when you look or talk with someone, look at them with the good qualities they have, then you can forgive even if they were using some annoying sentence. appreciate them because they have that beautiful quality." my dad explained.
then i realised, yes its true, all of us are humans, we are not perfect at all, the are some qualities which we are lacking. setiap orang ada kekurangan dan kelebihan dia yang tersendiri. so from now onwards i want to use different approach.
when i talk to someone i am only going to try to look at their best quality, i will only think about their positive values, and on top of all i'll always try to be patient. maybe this will help to create a better and peaceful world. maybe this will help people to see how beautiful Islam is.
There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they are the way they are.~
we are different, but if we give and take we can still live happily ever after....
we are different, but if we give and take we can still live happily ever after....
InsyaAllah i'll do my best. jom ubah attitude!
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